

    Yes. The Kids Way Hallway is located in the First Floor B-wing and can be most easily accessed by parking in lots 4 or 5.

    Wednesday Night

    On this night, we'll be offering children's ministry for newborn through age 4. 

    Because Wednesday evening will be a Family Service, as Kids Way is participating in the celebration, children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to attend service with you.

    You'll want to pick up your children before you head to the Atrium after service.

    Sunday Morning

    For Sunday, we'll be offering children's ministry for newborns through 5th grade. 

    You may leave your children in Kids Way between services if you wish, but we do ask that you pick them up within 30 minutes of service ending.

    Wednesday evening and Sunday morning services will be similar in their celebratory nature, but both will offer two different experiences.

    You can expect a montage of appreciation videos, photos from over the years in ministry, and some on-stage surprise elements.

    We invite you to come early and stay late for opportunities to spend time with Pastors Carl and Alice, enjoy food, and explore the gallery installations throughout the building.

    Here's a look at the official Event Schedule:

    Wednesday, January 5

    • Opening Celebration Service
      7pm | Main Sanctuary

    • Dessert with Pastors Carl & Alice
      Directly After Service | Atrium

    Sunday, January 9

    • Breakfast with Pastors Carl & Alice
      8am | Atrium

    • Weekend Celebration Services
      9am & 11:15am | Main Sanctuary

    • Lunch with Pastors Carl & Alice
      1pm | Atrium

      The Green Room for the week will be in the Prayer Room just behind the Main Sanctuary. The best way to locate it is through the East Lobby (the main lobby, accessed through Lot 2). You'll see an opening that goes down a long hallway.